Wednesday, August 22, 2007

On Reading Tech Books and ORM's

Man reading tech books is hard, well to some extent anyway, there are moments you just can't wait to get through a chapter. But there are moments where the chapter does not seem to come to an end. And reading on just makes you sleepy.

I have been reading Agile Principles Patterns and Practices in C# and any free time I got I had my face in that book. And when I got to chapter 14, where I started reading about UML, I just lost my fire. Anyway I dicided to skip that section, i guess I will come back to I sometime later.
I have nothing against the book though and Iwould recommend it to anyone trying to get thier hands around Agile Development.

I was also poking my head around some ORM packages. I had a look at NHibernate and Subsonic. But in the end I decided to go with the Data Access Guidance Package found in the Web Services Factory. NHibernate is great but if found the learning curve to be a bit steep. But i kepp looking at at it, I don't know I will ever really use it when linq comes round. The only thing I didn't like about subsonic was that I would have had to write extra code to map my data access layer to my domain model.

1 comment:

Justice~! said...

Hey man,

nHibernate is *awesome*. Just saw it presented the other day. Definitely something that is worth a deeper look.

BTW, I know the feeling with the tech books. There are occasional times where I find myself really struggling to get through - Applying UML and Patterns was like that for me to some degree. Fortunately, the remainder of my books have been pretty interesting - which reminds me, this week I'll have to post more reviews...